I have a one requirement that I have list of objects with that object have properties(ID, Name, Description). I want a comma separated string from the list of object for ID property.
We can achieve this by using Reflection classes.
The solution for the requirement has follows
Create a generic method to get the Comma separated string
Take an example with Category class with the properties ID,Name
We can achieve this by using Reflection classes.
The solution for the requirement has follows
Create a generic method to get the Comma separated string
public static string GetCommaSeparatedString<T>(List<T> list, string property) { string value = string.Empty; PropertyInfo info = typeof(T).GetProperties().Where(i => i.Name == property).FirstOrDefault(); if (info != null) { foreach (T listItem in list) { value += info.GetValue(listItem, null).ToString() + ","; } } return value.Substring(0,value.Length-1); }Usage:
Take an example with Category class with the properties ID,Name
public class Category { public int ID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } }Create a list with Category objects
List<category> categories=new List<category>(); categories.Add(new Catagory {ID=1, Name = "abc" }); categories.Add(new Catagory {ID=10, Name = "pqr" });Call the method as follows
GetCommaSeparatedString<Category>(categories,"ID"); //output: 1,10
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